Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The United States of Trump Download

Title: The United States of Trump Pdf How the President Really Sees America

This program includes an introduction read by the author.

A rare, insider's look at the life of Donald Trump from Bill O'Reilly, the best-selling author of the Killing series, based on exclusive interview material and deep research.

Readers and listeners around the world have been enthralled by journalist and New York Times best-selling author Bill O'Reilly's Killing series - riveting works of nonfiction that explore the most famous events in history. Now, O'Reilly turns his razor-sharp observations to his most compelling subject thus far - President Donald J. Trump. 

In this thrilling narrative, O'Reilly blends primary, never-before-released interview material with a history that recounts Trump's childhood and family and the factors from his life and career that forged the worldview that the president of the United States has taken to the White House. Not a partisan pro-Trump or anti-Trump book, this is an up-to-the-minute, intimate view of the man and his sphere of influence - of "how Donald Trump's view of America was formed, and how it has changed since becoming the most powerful person in the world" - from a writer who has known the president for 30 years. This is an unprecedented, gripping account of the life of a sitting president as he makes history. As the author will tell you, "If you want some insight into the most unlikely political phenomenon of our lifetimes, you'll get it here." 

Tags: B07PZJPHZP pdf,The United States of Trump pdf,How the President Really Sees America pdf,,Bill O'Reilly, Rick Adamson, Macmillan Audio,The United States of Trump: How the President Really Sees America,Macmillan Audio,B07PZJPHZP

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Five Love Languages Free Pdf

Title: The Five Love Languages Pdf The Secret to Love That Lasts

Dr. Gary Chapman identifies five basic languages of love and then guides couples towards a better understanding of their unique languages of love. Learn to speak and understand your mate's love language, and in no time you will be able to effectively love and truly feel loved in return. Skillful communication is within your grasp!

Nothing matters unless you let it I was once asked to read this book by the only person in the world I love.....I refused. At the time I figured it to be some shrinks opinion on how we should all be in our relationships....what the hell does he know I thought.....what if he is wrong and my future wife bases our whole future on just what he says.....I imagined this book to be some guy with opinions on how to fix problems that he knows nothing about because he doesn't know "us". It's not a good feeling as a man to agree to read a book on relationships because you feel like you're putting everything into the authors hands.....and what if he "doesn't understand" or what if the advice doesn't apply to us.....what if it makes things worse between us because he advises things we don't believe in.....no....I'm not reading that I told her.I thought no matter what we would always figure each other out and we would be ok......I didn't see being asked to read this book , was a cry out from the woman I love hitting a boiling point and her attempt to communicate to me in a different way......the same things she's been trying to for a long time.....Being close minded that day costed me so much regret and misery....I used to wake up to the most beautiful smile in the world and now I don't....I recently ended up reading this book and I couldn't put it down....sounds crazy but it's true. Instead of being some guys opinions or......typical shrink talk that in no way could apply to each specific relationship.......I found it to be a book that opens up the mind to the understanding of love.....and how it is not this one universal "language" we all feel we should be the same with.....I once told her...."nobody taught me how to love, I'm growing....learning".....I pleased with her to understand I love her.......we simply didn't have an understanding of how and why we didnt approach love the exact same way as each other.....only makes sense that it should be the same right? You bicker and argue and it drives you crazy......why doesn't she understand you think.......the book is not an excuse to use or justify a true bad relationship let me add.....but it truly answers so many questions.....it is really a language of love. Once understood, this book leaves you feeling like a fool and only wanting to apply so much of what you've now learned to your future together. It takes away the work of trying to understand the things that at the time make no sense.....and allows you to focus on what's important....loving instead of wasting precious time. Read it carefully and I recommend reading it together.....I didn't get that chance but I can guarantee reading this book with who you love will allow you both to stop frequently throughout the pages and talk,learn,smile, probably cry.....but then go on to a much happier fulfilling life together once the book is closed. It can save so much if you only let it.*Update 12-1-17I drive a bus so I have nothing but time to think as I look out the window and look up at the sky looking around me. You would probably think of screaming kids and noise but for me it is driving in my own little world and using time to think about lifeI am a trainer so I spend my time trying to help people learn how to maintain their body and prevent problems. And the funny thing is that it is are very choices of what we do to our own bodies that I am teaching to have to change. All of our problems nutritionally and physically and even mentally come down too poor choice and repetitive habits that we know we need to change but never do until it's too late. Every single person reading this can relate to thatMy point about what I do is that I spend a lot of time trying to fix my body because professionals out there either won't take the time to do it or I don't have the money to spend on who is needed. I have spent countless months doing stretches and exercises and what I have found is a lot of times I'm doing the exact same stretches and exercises that don't seem to be working. Soooo......why not do different ones then right...... what a lot of reasons it may feel good, you may not know any other stretches or exercises, you may simply believe that if I just do it one more time again tomorrow....THAT it will finally help..... you just believe in that stretch so much that in your mind you just say I'll keep trying. You are maybe even making things worse by this but you're honest to God intentions are to completely cure one of the biggest problems in your life, pain...... I think you see where I'm getting at.Getting a little long for whoever is reading but there is a lot of meaning here that can help who knows thousands of people as long as this review remains online......I will just end it like this..... last night I took a stretch that I have been doing for over 2 years and I changed it in a slightly different way....... a lot of the pain I normally get daily is gone.......just to put a spotlight on that sentence .....I'm saying that what I had been doing for so long..... trying to cure one of the biggest problems in my life that hadnt been working............that I continued doing........ believing in and depending on.... to be my much needed answer.......It wasn't until I allowed the idea of the same stretch applied in a different way, that I ALLOWED life to be better for me.I did not say this stretch doesn't matter anymore and say forget it to never exist again.....no, I used it to COMMUNICATE with my body in the same exact physical form....just different language from mind to body....because I always believed in it.Belief can be amazing and help you....it also can be your own worst enemy when refuse to change your ways.....lots of time I lost believing my way instead of another.....all while would have given anything to accomplish my goal......once again I stood in my own way......but I didn't give up.....otherwise pain would still be here and I wouldn't have came on here to add all these thoughts.You have to go into the book with an open mind because if you do it with the mindset of wanting it to say what it is that you want to hear.....then you can never let the life-changing words happen.......you're learning a language as you read...not what's right and wrong but what was being lost in life.Keep in mind this is a book about the language of love so if you think about when you go to school to learn a different language...you are taking the difficult step of taking time there in order to understand.....be able to take what you understand and apply it.....and be able to communicate in a NEEDED way once you learn....AND THEN USE......communicate and UNDERSTAND eachother.Just think how you feel when you meet somebody and you want to communicate but you can't and you get frustrated. you are trying to figure out what you want the other person to know and they're trying to tell or show you..... it becomes stressful and sometimes you end up walking away from each other never knowing the real meaning that was right there between the two of you. When you are able to speak the same language this simply does not happen.....The same two people if we're able to learn the same language, could come back in front of one another again and.....just imagine......imagine the possibilities with that communication.......so much never lost again.The exact same message and the exact same feelings that were always there, except now instead of the stress of not understanding, there is the excitement for anything to be possible just by coming together and understanding.....The power of language is amazing........think of when you meet somebody and they're able to speak five or six different languages, you are in awe and wish you could do it.well imagine being able to speak the one language in life that is the most unexplainable, powerful language and meaning of life, love....I would also like to mention the fact that if these two people sat down and learn each other's languages together how helpful that is.....and how much easier it is to be able to learn how to communicate with the exact person that you're trying to ........spending time helping each other learn different languages.......TOGETHER.Bus is parked.Sexist, heteronormative, triggering and Religious I stopped reading at the part where the author recommended a woman to sleep with her husband against her will. WTF? Highly triggering for sexual abuse and domestic violence survivors.Also, the book reads like it’s written for white Christians. And for men who don’t want a partnership, but rather want to coerce their wife into being their sexually subservient housemaid/servant because they just don’t like vacuuming and can‘t afford hiring a cleaner („I thought I get myself a wife for that“).So if you’re a white Christian man or woman who likes to be a little housewife, yes, this book‘s for you.Besides that, the book offers solid scientific facts such as man‘s sex drive being dominated biologically by sperm pressure; that women‘s sex drive is purely emotional and not driven by their bodies; and more.Religious undertones The book was pretty good, it had some valid points and learning that there are different ways that people express their love was important. What I think pulled away from the book was the underlying religious agenda to preach about God. It totally turned me off And I thought it was completely unnecessary to deliver the message. Of course if you are a religious person then this would be right up your alley.

Tags: B079B7PJMV pdf,The Five Love Languages pdf,The Secret to Love That Lasts pdf,,Gary Chapman, Oasis Audio,The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts,Oasis Audio,B079B7PJMV

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Best American Sports Writing 2019 (The Best American Series Free Pdf

Title: The Best American Sports Writing 2019 (The Best American Series Pdf ®)
The latest addition to the acclaimed series showcasing the best sports writing from the past year

For over twenty-five years, The Best American Sports Writing has built a solid reputation by showcasing the greatest sports journalism of the previous year, culled from hundreds of national, regional, and specialty print and digital publications. Each year, the series editor and guest editor curates a truly exceptional collection. The only shared traits among all these diverse styles, voices, and stories are the extraordinarily high caliber of writing, and the pure passion they tap into that can only come from sports.

Choosing the Best Self-Publishing Services (Alliance of Independent Authors' Self-Publishing Success Series Book 2) pdf

Federal Resume Guidebook 6th Ed, pdf

Kindle Bestseller Publishing (2019) pdf

1650 Intelligent Words pdf

Writing the Heart of Your Story pdf

5 Editors Tackle the 12 Fatal Flaws of Fiction Writing (The Writer's Toolbox Series) pdf

Shoot Your Novel pdf

Tags: B07LC8WGBH pdf,The Best American Sports Writing 2019 (The Best American Series pdf,®) pdf,ebook,Charles P. Pierce, Glenn Stout,The Best American Sports Writing 2019 (The Best American Series ®),Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,Annual, any number,Essays,General,General Adult,Glenn Stout; Best American; sports; sportswriting; journalism; sports anthology; sports essays; essays about sports,Glenn Stout;Best American;sports;sportswriting;journalism;sports anthology;sports essays;essays about sports,Journalism,LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES,LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Journalism,LITERARY COLLECTIONS / American / General,Language Arts & Disciplines/Journalism,Non-Fiction,Readings/Anthologies/Collected Works,SPORTS & RECREATION,SPORTS & RECREATION / Essays,SPORTS & RECREATION / General,SPORTS & RECREATION / Sociology of Sports,Sociology of Sports,Sports,Sports & Recreation/Sociology of Sports,Sports - United States,Sports journalism - United States,Sports journalism;United States.,Sports literature - United States,Sports literature;United States.,Sports;United States.,United States,LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Journalism,LITERARY COLLECTIONS / American / General,Language Arts & Disciplines/Journalism,SPORTS & RECREATION / Essays,SPORTS & RECREATION / General,SPORTS & RECREATION / Sociology of Sports,Sports & Recreation/Sociology of Sports

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

A Walk in the Woods Pdf

ISBN: 0307279464
Title: A Walk in the Woods Pdf Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail
Author: Bill Bryson
Published Date: 2007
Page: 397

“Bryson is a very funny writer who could wring humor from a clammy sleeping bag.” –The Philadelphia Inquirer “Short of doing it yourself, the best way of escaping into nature is to read a book like A Walk in the Woods.”–The New York Times “A terribly misguided, and terribly funny tale of adventure.... The yarn is choke-on-your-coffee funny.” –The Washington Post “Bill Bryson could write an essay about dryer lint or fever reducers and still make us laugh out loud.” –Chicago Sun-Times “Delightful.” –The Plain Dealer “It’s great adventure, on a human scale, with survivable discomforts, and, happily, everybody goes home afterwards.” –Times PicayuneGod only knows what possessed Bill Bryson, a reluctant adventurer if ever there was one, to undertake a gruelling hike along the world's longest continuous footpath--The Appalachian Trail. The 2,000-plus-mile trail winds through 14 states, stretching along the east coast of the United States, from Georgia to Maine. It snakes through some of the wildest and most spectacular landscapes in North America, as well as through some of its most poverty-stricken and primitive backwoods areas. With his offbeat sensibility, his eye for the absurd, and his laugh-out-loud sense of humour, Bryson recounts his confrontations with nature at its most uncompromising over his five-month journey. An instant classic, riotously funny, "A Walk in the Woods will add a whole new audience to the legions of Bill Bryson fans.

The Appalachian Trail trail stretches from Georgia to Maine and covers some of the most breathtaking terrain in America–majestic mountains, silent forests, sparking lakes. If you’re going to take a hike, it’s probably the place to go. And Bill Bryson is surely the most entertaining guide you’ll find. He introduces us to the history and ecology of the trail and to some of the other hardy (or just foolhardy) folks he meets along the way–and a couple of bears. Already a classic, A Walk in the Woods will make you long for the great outdoors (or at least a comfortable chair to sit and read in).

A book about someone who doesn't thru-hike the Appalachian Trail ... But nevertheless can't wait to tell you all about it and everything else they can think of instead, because they never come close to being able to achieve the premise upon which the book is supposedly based. Further, for a guy who starts the book making light of a salesman who goes way beyond the author's depth and interest level when talking hiking gear, said author nonetheless devotes the majority of the true content of this book doing exactly that, on any number of subjects, most of which have nothing to do with the AT. And as has been said in other reviews this is an individual who dearly, deeply and sincerely needs to get over himself. There is after all an entire world that exists outside the confines of New England, including the majority of the AT.Great book if you love people who love themselves to ... Great book if you love people who love themselves to an extreme. Also a great read if you hate the United States, especially southerners. Perfect for the "open-minded, progressive" types who look down their noses at anyone who doesn't behave and think exactly like themselves. Also, a great gift for anyone who likes books that pretend to be about people doing something, but then are really just about quitting doing that thing before they really get started.Here's a good example of the writing, "See, the Army Corps of Engineers aren't really good at building. One time this thing that they built broke. Moving on...I like Great Britain because there aren't that many Americans there. See, I really hate myself, so I take it out on all other Americans instead if just looking in the mirror and admitting that I am a sad sack."A masterpiece worthy of exulting the venerable Appalachian Trail I am an avid reader. Yes, folks, I'm that annoying person who reads while standing in line, and even at red lights. I once finished an entire novel sitting in a doctor's waiting room-- but perhaps that says more about the doctor than it does about my reading abilities. haha. I also hold advanced degrees in both English and writing. I know good writing when I read it, and I have also stumbled wearily through books shoved at me from the hands of well meaning friends: "we know you love to read. Read this one and let me know what you think of it." Gah. Please don't be that person to your friends-- the frightful book foister. Please, I beg of you. Don't be that person. Don't make me flee from your presence like unfiled taxes fleeing from the IRS, to avoid said horrible book dumping.Tiresome celebrity biographies, reminiscent of a painful 9th grade essay, sold merely because a famous name is on it . . . let's admit it-- what can they really "tell all" about, when their lives are already a literal (equally wearying) open book? Romance novels, with a close up of a muscular hand clutching a lacy red bustier on the front, which after several dreary pages makes me feel like ripping it, literally, in half, and throwing the book away. Cookbooks-- there are a few decent ones in this "here read this!" genre, but many of them are thrown together to make a sale, and let's face it-- when is the last time you actually made a recipe from an actual cookbook? Exactly. You throw it in the bag for the beach, thumb through a few pages while smearing on sunscreen, and then toss it in the 'ole bookshelf when you get home, where it is destined to live for the rest of readless, purgatorial eternity.A friend recommended "A Walk in the Woods." Sigh, I thought. Another recommendation. I admire the "woods" from a distance, but I fear insects, snakes, vermin, rodents, and even the casual snap of a twig within their clutches. I do not camp. I do not eat camp food. I prefer to have my meals without a side of food poisoning. So you'd be right in thinking that my reaction was something like, "Ugh another referral. I will have less in common with this book than a Protestant would have with the Pope." I started it grudgingly, expecting to do the obligatory dragging of my eyes across the page until it was finally, relievingly, replete.Boy was I in for a surprise.Within the first few pages I surprised myself by chuckling. Then laughing. Then outright, from the gut, throwing back my head and howling. I stayed up until almost 1 AM that first night, devouring chapter after chapter, even though I had to be up early for work the next day. I just couldn't put it down. The writing is refreshingly honest-- at once thoughtful, hilarious, sarcastic, and downright well done. This is not the scribbling of a celebrity trying to sell books. This is the tale of someone who has truly lived a once in a lifetime kind of all-American experience. His observations about the conditions of the trails, the miraculous preservation efforts made by volunteers on the trail for decades, and even his views on life, are inspirational. His descriptions of the kooky characters, the beautiful, sweeping vistas of untouched wilderness that he discovered as he rounded thousands of wearying bends in the never-ending trails . . . it's magic. Pure magic. I can almost close my eyes and see it, so vivid are his descriptions of the meadows, the wildflowers, the soft sighing of the trees in the quiet breeze.I've always said that the best kind of writing contains three elements. First, it is relevant/relate-able to all. It takes an incredible author to take a subject about which I have little interest (camping), and make it relevant and interesting to me, yet he does. Second, it should have humor-- not the "polite chuckle" kind of humor, but a real, genuine, gut laughing kind of humor, hidden delightfully throughout the text, waiting to surprise you like golden treasure where you would least think to look. Third, it should have moments of piercing, beautiful clarity-- moments when you find yourself, for reasons you almost can't explain, blinking back the tears as some particularly poignant thought resonates through your very being.Bill Bryson delivers richly on all three counts. This book ended with my feeling deliciously and completely satiated, in every way. I laughed until my sides were sore, I cried at the honest, beautiful tendrils of his story as it wrapped its beautifully written arms around my heart. I shook my head solemnly with a deep, "Mmmm, yes" at the inspirations recorded within the story as he discovered, not just the beauty of the Appalachian Trail, but the beauty of life, warmth, family, and companionship. Perhaps the beauty of America is that a little bit of the magic resides in the heart of all of us. That's the message here. And it's a darned inspirational one.I haven't done this often, but a few times in my life a book is so wonderful-- so stupendous-- that I just can't bear to end it. So the moment I finish, I move my bookmark back to chapter 1. Not ending-- just starting again.My bookmark is resting in chapter 1 of this one.

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The Things You Find on the Appalachian Trail pdf

Tags: 0307279464 pdf,A Walk in the Woods pdf,Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail pdf,Bill Bryson,A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail,Anchor,0307279464,Essays & Travelogues,Outdoor Skills,Appalachian Trail - Description and travel,Appalachian Trail;Description and travel.,Appalachian Trail;Description.,Bryson, Bill - Journeys - Appalachian Trail,Natural history - Appalachian Trail,Natural history;Appalachian Trail.,Appalachian Trail,Bryson, Bill,DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL,Description,General Adult,HIKING,HUMOR / Form / Essays,MASS MARKET,NATURE / Environmental Conservation & Protection,Nature/Essays,Non-Fiction,SPORTS & RECREATION / Outdoor Skills,Sports & Recreation/Hiking,TRAVEL / Essays & Travelogues,Travel,Travel & holiday guides,Travel - United States,Travel Guide,Travel/Special Interest - Hikes & Walks,Travel/United States - Northeast - General,Travel/United States - South - East South Central (AL, KY, MS, TN),United States,United States - Northeast - New England (General),comedy; nature; biography; america; forest; environment; american; appalachian; conservation; mountains; pennsylvania; humorous; hiking; adventure; ecology; appalachia; wilderness; trails; travel essay; travel literature; travel memoir; journey; walking; travel narrative; nature writing; travel humor; non-fiction; vermont; modern; history; backpacking; outdoors; us; travel; appalachian trail; travel writing; virginia; north america; memoir; national parks; appalachian trail books; nonfiction best sellers; a walk in the woods,nonfiction best sellers;appalachian trail books;comedy;nature;biography;america;forest;environment;american;conservation;mountains;pennsylvania;hiking;adventure;ecology;appalachia;wilderness;trails;journey;walking;nature writing;non-fiction;vermont;modern;history;backpacking;outdoors;us;travel;appalachian trail;travel writing;virginia;north america;memoir;national parks;oregon trail book;pacific crest trail books;comedy book;oregon trail;traveling gifts;pacific crest trail;outdoor books,HUMOR / Form / Essays,NATURE / Environmental Conservation & Protection,Nature/Essays,SPORTS & RECREATION / Outdoor Skills,Sports & Recreation/Hiking,TRAVEL / Essays & Travelogues,Travel/Special Interest - Hikes & Walks,Travel/United States - Northeast - General,Travel/United States - South - East South Central (AL, KY, MS, TN),United States - Northeast - New England (General),Travel - United States,Appalachian Trail,Bryson, Bill,Description,Description And Travel,Hiking,Travel,Travel & holiday guides