Thursday, January 30, 2020

Let It Go Download

ISBN: 059313589X
Title: Let It Go Pdf Downsizing Your Way to a Richer, Happier Life
Author: Peter Walsh
Published Date: 2019-12-31
Page: 256

Peter Walsh is the author of seven previous books, including the New York Times bestsellers It’s All Too Much and Enough Already! and most recently Lose the Clutter, Lose the Weight. He is a popular organization expert who appears regularly on The Rachael Ray Show and writes a quarterly column for O the Oprah Magazine. He has hosted several TV shows, including Clean Sweep and Extreme Clutter. He lives in Los Angeles.INTRODUCTION   Welcome to an experience that could be one of the most rewarding times of your life.   Don't believe me? I understand. You've probably gotten the impression that downsizing should be a fear-inducing task. Honestly, how could it not be?   As you travel through life, you encounter milestones that require you to comb through the stuff you've gathered: relocating to a new city; getting married and combining homes with another person; hitting tough times that send you into a smaller home; kids growing up and leaving the family home empty (and unnecessarily large); or the death of a spouse or parent.   When you downsize for these changes, you're likely to confront some of life's deepest questions. That's one reason why the process is so often painful. Downsizing requires us to confront our insecurities, our relationships, and our own mortality. The stuff you sift through has the power to evoke deep emotions and memories, which can easily derail you.   Downsizing can require you to shrink a houseful of possessions so they'll fit into a new space that may be much smaller than what you have now. Many of these possessions are things you really, really like. They're probably things you couldn't possibly live without! To make the mission even more challenging, you're likely working on an uncomfortably tight deadline.   Sound familiar?   Or maybe you're facing another common type of downsizing scenario: the task of wading through a lifetime of items that belonged to someone else, like your parents, grandparents, or other loved ones. Their home contains stuff that might be important to you . . . but you probably have even less time to manage this kind of downsizing.   Sound familiar?   While standing on the brink of a downsizing project, you might be terrified that you'll make a bad decision, throw out the wrong thing, alienate your family, infuriate your parents, or just disappear into an abyss of clutter and never be seen or heard from again!   Sound familiar?   It does to me. The challenge of downsizing the possessions in a home--whether their own or someone else's--petrifies many people. I know this well, because I've helped thousands deal with the clutter in their homes. Thousands more have asked for guidance on what to keep and what to let go while moving or downsizing. I've also had to downsize under trying circumstances that faced my own family.   My mother cared for my father for years during his long illness. Four years after he passed away, her failing health brought her to an assisted living facility. Old age and steadily advancing dementia made her last few years difficult, and then, hard as it was to believe, she was gone, too.   My younger sister, Julie, and I stood outside the facility on a chilly Australian day just after her passing. We were there to clean out her room. Of the few possessions Mum still owned, we donated most to a local charity. The rest fit into the two boxes Julie and I clutched in the cold.   She turned to me and asked, "Mum lived for 92 years, and here each of us is carrying a cardboard box. Is this the sum of her life?"   Those boxes held the last few treasures that were important to my mother, Kath, at the very end of her exceptional life. Growing up in a poor farming family, she didn't complete the 8th grade. Instead, she left home at 14 and traveled hundreds of miles across Australia to train as a nurse. A few years later, caring for wounded soldiers would be her contribution during World War II.   By the time she was 34, she had 5 children under the age of 7 and would go on to add 2 more kids to our family. My siblings raised 12 children of their own, who all became successful, well-educated professionals.   My sister and I kept only our mother's hairbrush, rosary beads, photos, and notes she had jotted down about her family to jog her memory.   That was it. These few things were the last of the mementos that could represent our mother. All the other objects that she had touched and used during her life had been distributed long ago.   I finally found the words to respond to Julie's question. "Mum's life was not about the stuff," I said. What made her life shine had nothing to do with any of the objects she owned. Whether she held on to it for a minute or 90 years, her stuff was ultimately finite and temporary.   The intangible things Mum left behind--her laugh, her wicked sense of humor, and her wise advice--will live on. In the following days and months, my siblings and I would take great joy in understanding her legacy: her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Amazing stories from old friends at the funeral service. A flood of wonderful cards and condolences. And quiet snippets of conversation that revealed so much about the goodness and kindness of the amazing woman who was my mother.   Earlier, when we were downsizing my parents' home, one of the few things I kept was a green glass pie plate she used for making desserts when we were children. Our now-scattered family once gathered around this plate. Our mother's hands held this plate. Her serving spoon left a few scratches on its surface as she fed us and adored us.   This object is so much more than a plate. For me, it's a truly treasured possession.   I'm telling you this so that you don't think my advice for downsizing will be simply to discard everything! The amount I kept worked for me, and I'll help you find the amount that works for you.   I know why so many people think downsizing is scary. But I can promise you that if you do it correctly, the process won't live up to the disruptive, divisive, and stressful reputation it's gotten.   Many people, feeling overwhelmed, have come to me looking for a system that solves their downsizing dilemma.   Here it is.   The Let It Go way of downsizing makes the process logical, manageable, and as swift as possible. This method provides solutions to the pressure and turmoil you may feel when you trim down your belongings or your loved ones'.   The Let It Go method also corrects the wrong impressions about downsizing that you may have learned! I'll lead you step-by-step through a different sort of downsizing process, one that prepares you emotionally and mentally beforehand, then helps you rapidly sift through your pile of stuff and discover benefits that others rarely find, like:   •New insights into the memories you've made and the relationships you've had over your life, which you'll discover while examining the keepsakes linked to these memories and relationships   •Better communication with your loved ones who are going through the downsizing process with you   •More happiness, focus, and confidence as you head into this next phase in your life   DOWNSIZING IS A NORMAL-- AND NECESSARY--PART OF LIFE   Most homes are filled with items that represent a lifetime's worth of adventures and accomplishments. Some of this stuff is truly necessary. Much isn't.   You have cookware and bedding to help you eat and sleep. Your books, magazines, and electronics entertain you. Your computers, woodworking tools, and musical instruments help you create. Your clothes, cars, and jewelry inform the world about the status you've achieved or hope to attain.   But as you travel from one stage of your life into another, sometimes you need to shift direction or venture through circumstances that are a little more cramped. Your new reality means that you won't be able to comfortably bring all your possessions with you.   Or maybe a parent has died or needs to move into a smaller home, and you have to sort through family possessions and decide what to keep. As you'll see in several people's stories later, keeping too much can put your happiness at risk.   To move forward, you have three choices:   •You can stress yourself mentally and physically by trying to bring along stuff that no longer fits in your life or space.   •You can do the typical kind of downsizing that people dread, quickly speeding through it while giving it as little thought as possible. This often leads to later regrets.   •You can downsize in a way that gives you peace of mind and helps you enjoy the next stage of your life to the maximum. This is the Let It Go way.   PEOPLE NEED A BETTER WAY TO DOWNSIZE   Downsizing isn't just a spring cleaning. It's far more than a casual decluttering project. Instead, it requires you to seriously inspect your stuff and offload a large portion of it. Chances are that you'll only go through a downsizing project a few times in your life.   This process presents a special challenge because you're already struggling with other major changes in your life. The distress of parting with stuff can be an ordeal on its own. But you're probably also confronting painful memories and uncomfortable realizations during this time: "I'm grieving over the loss of a loved one," or "How will I get by on less income?" Just in case that weren't enough, you may be trying to sell a home, buy a new place, and schedule the moving trucks, too.   The Let It Go way helps you efficiently make the right decisions about your possessions, even if you're feeling these hardships. I'll cover the common downsizing difficulties that people face, and I'll help you apply the techniques and methods I've developed to your specific challenges.   It starts with this central idea: As you look around the rooms filled with the stuff you have to process, the hurt or confusion you feel about getting rid of some of it is not about the stuff. You're only seeing the surface level. You have to dig deeper. Way down, underneath all this clutter, is where you confront the idea that:   •You are not your stuff or your bank account, either, or even your career. If you've defined yourself by what you own or what you do for a living (don't feel bad--a lot of people do this!), downsizing requires you to examine your way of thinking.   •You're entering a new phase that will change your identity. The milestone that has prompted your downsizing is an announcement that you're no longer a child, a single person, a married person, a career worker, the owner of a big house in a prestigious neighborhood, a person who can call home and talk to mom and dad, or whomever you were before the downsizing event.   •Many items you need to shed are firmly glued to you with a sticky layer of memories, sadness, anxiety, and guilt.   •Family tension may arise as soon as you start talking about shedding possessions.   Sometimes our attachments to our stuff become overwhelming and paralyzing. In my experience, when you get to this point, your ability to make decisions becomes impaired. Focused action becomes nearly impossible.   When you can't let your stuff go, your stuff won't let you move forward.   LIGHTEN YOUR LOAD AND GET OUT OF YOUR RUT   I've worked with people who filled a storage unit with the entire contents of grandma's house after she died. Twenty years later, they were still paying rent on that unit but not once had they looked at the stuff inside. Some people may fill their own homes with a departed relative's memories. Or they still hang on to their kids' childhoods after these sons and daughters have started their own families.   Your physical possessions--and the emotional weight they carry--can become so heavy that your wheels sink under the load. Even if you move into a new stage of your life, you can't appreciate it fully because you're crushed under your old stuff.   When you downsize well, you will emerge lighter and liberated. You will be surrounded only by items that bring you joy and pleasure. You're able to make the most of your new opportunities.   Rest assured that you won't simply wipe your slate clean of all your treasured possessions and walk away empty-handed. That's not the Let It Go way. If you simply jettison your possessions without confronting the deeper issues attached to the objects, you'll still have all your old traumas, and all your sadness and anxiety and guilt. You'll still have unresolved family conflicts and disappointments. All these invisible burdens will come with you. They'll hamper you from enjoying the next stage of your life (and you'll just buy new stuff to conceal them).   So what is the Let It Go way? You'll purposefully confront the items now filling your home. Which ones bring up bad memories? Which ones are creating a wall around you that will keep you from grabbing the new prospects your life is about to offer?   Also, which possessions represent the legacy of your loved ones that you want to preserve? Which possessions can someday carry on your legacy?   Likely, this process will involve some of your loved ones--perhaps your children, whether they're young or grown; your spouse; your siblings; or your parents. The Let It Go way of downsizing presents an amazing opportunity to resolve problems, strengthen connections, and rediscover meaning in these relationships.   This kind of downsizing does take work. It also takes time. I understand that you may already feel frazzled and overscheduled, with little desire to take on more challenges. But using this approach can actually make downsizing faster and easier. And it's going to make the next phase of your life so much better.   In recent years, I've dealt with several of life's big milestones. And I have more coming in the near future.   As I write this, my husband and I are contemplating moving to a smaller home in another city, which will require us to let some of our possessions go. I've also reached an age (I'll keep the specific number to myself, thanks) that allows me to see that the busiest phase of my working life will someday come to an end. It's not anytime soon . . . but it's not the hypothetical scenario it was when I was 30.   Here's what I have discovered, both from my own life and from so many other people's stories. These milestones that mark a new transition can shake you to your core. They can leave you wondering what you did with your life and worrying about what comes next. "Have I made the right decisions so far? Am I making the right decision now?" you might ask.   But with these challenges comes a great opportunity to start anew--if you'll just let yourself do it.   Releasing your possessions can be terrifying, because without them, who are you? When you do it well, downsizing will answer that question.   It will also provide many other gifts. One of these is relief. But too many people miss it because they're squabbling with a sibling over a doll collection that neither really wants. Another gift of downsizing correctly is freedom. But too many people overlook it because they're frantically loading a moving truck with dusty boxes that they'll put directly into the attic of their next home.   Your life is changing, and you may or may not have asked for these changes.   But you now have the greatest opportunity that you will ever get to create the life you want. I want to help you make the most of it.   Ready to let go? Then let's go!Say goodbye to clutter, reduce stress, and live simply with this easy-to-use guide to downsizing!Whether you are selling your family home, blending households into a new home, or cleaning out your aging parents’ home, sorting through a lifetime’s worth of accumulated possessions can be a daunting and stressful experience. Decluttering guru Peter Walsh recently went through the process of downsizing his childhood home and dividing his late parents’ possessions among his family. He realized that making these decisions about mementos and heirlooms creates strong emotions and can be an overwhelming chore. In Let It Go, Peter will help you turn downsizing into a rejuvenating life change with his useful tips and practical takeaways, including how to:• Understand the emotional challenges that accompany downsizing• Establish a hierarchy of mementos and collectibles• Calculate the amount of stuff you can bring into your new life• Create strategies for dividing heirlooms among family members without dramaThis new phase brings unexpected freedoms and opportunities, and Peter walks you through every step of the process. You’ll feel freer and happier than you ever thought possible once you Let It Go.

Buy it, read it, do it!!!! DITTO to all the other 5-star reviews! This book is IT. Buy it, read it, get to letting so much of too much of your STUFF go! Really helps with the mental/emotional/psycholgical (and family dynamics aspects, when dealing with other's homes) too! Only wish I'd read it 2 years ago, before we had to clean out mother in law's house - we still have half a garage wortrh of things to sort through. But having read this book, I feel better prepared to do so more quickly and less painfully - and also to get ready for a planned downsizing/retirement move in 3-4 years. :)Best of its type I've only read the first few chapters so far, but I'm already impressed. This is the first book on this topic (that I've read) that actually is motivating me to push forward with my downsizing project. It addresses more than the obvious "all this stuff is overwhelming," and starts with finding out what is keeping me, or anyone, from moving forward more rapidly. I'm looking forward to finishing the book, and getting on with it!A timely book! I pre-ordered this book and received it on Feb. 14th, the day it first was available. I read it over the next few days, and learned how to handle going through a loved one's possessions after their death. My mother was put on hospice care at the beginning of the month and I knew the info in Peter's book would eventually be needed. Two days after I finished the book, on Feb. 22nd, my mom passed away! I found myself quoting from the book as my sisters and daughters and I went through Mom's apartment and decided what to keep and what to let go!An idea that we had turned out to be helpful too: after the memorial service, at my sister's house for the family get-together and dinner, she set up a "Grandma Shoppe" in the basement with the things we had kept, and had the whole family go downstairs and choose things they wanted for their own homes and as mementos, and things that had personal meaning for each one. It worked out very well, and everyone was happy.

The Sentimental Person's Guide to Decluttering pdf

The Minimalist Way pdf

Downsizing pdf

30 Days - Change your habits, Change your life pdf

Gratitude Journal pdf

Making Space, Clutter Free pdf

Habit Stacking pdf

Intermittent Fasting pdf

Digital Detox pdf

The Millennial Roadmap to a Rich Life pdf

Tags: 059313589X pdf,Let It Go pdf,Downsizing Your Way to a Richer, Happier Life pdf,Peter Walsh,Let It Go: Downsizing Your Way to a Richer, Happier Life,Rodale Books,059313589X,Heirlooms - Psychological aspects,House cleaning,House cleaning.,Orderliness,Orderliness.,Personal property - Psychological aspects,Simplicity,Storage in the home,Storage in the home.,Do-It-Yourself,Family & Relationships/Eldercare,GENERAL,General Adult,HOME MANAGEMENT,HOUSE & HOME / Cleaning, Caretaking & Organizing,Health & Fitness/Healthy Living,Non-Fiction,PERSONAL GUIDANCE,SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational,SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Happiness,Self Help,Self-Help/Motivational & Inspirational,Self-Help/Personal Growth - Happiness,self improvement books;organizing;minimalist book;minimalist;minimalism books;minimalism;organized home;declutter your home;clutter;declutter;motivation;self care;self help;peter walsh let it go;let it go peter walsh;downsize;downsizing book;cleaning books;organizing books;decluttering;organization books;clutter book;clutter control;clutter free;declutter and downsize;self help books;self help books for women;hoarding;housekeeping;decluttering books;downsizing;swedish death cleaning;peter walsh,downsize; downsizing book; cleaning books; organizing books; decluttering; organization books; clutter book; clutter control; clutter free; declutter and downsize; self help books; self help books for women; hoarding; housekeeping; decluttering books; downsizing; swedish death cleaning; peter walsh; self help; organizing; minimalism; self care; motivation; self improvement books; minimalist book; minimalist; minimalism books; organized home; declutter your home; clutter; declutter; peter walsh let it go; let it go peter walsh

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Seine Free Pdf

ISBN: B07Z589Y4J
Title: The Seine Pdf The River That Made Paris

A vibrant, enchanting tour of the Seine from longtime New York Times foreign correspondent and best-selling author Elaine Sciolino.

Elaine Sciolino came to Paris as a young foreign correspondent and was seduced by a river. In The Seine, she tells the story of that river from its source on a remote plateau of Burgundy to the wide estuary where its waters meet the sea, and the cities, tributaries, islands, ports, and bridges in between.

Sciolino explores the Seine through its rich history and lively characters: a bargewoman, a riverbank bookseller, a houseboat dweller, a famous cinematographer known for capturing the river's light. She discovers the story of Sequana - the Gallo-Roman healing goddess who gave the Seine its name - and follows the river through Paris, where it determined the city's destiny and now snakes through all aspects of daily life. She patrols with river police, rows with a restorer of antique boats, sips champagne at a vineyard along the river, and even dares to go for a swim. She finds the Seine in art, literature, music, and movies from Renoir and Les Misérables to Puccini and La La Land. Along the way, she reveals how the river that created Paris has touched her own life. A powerful afterword tells the dramatic story of how water from the depths of the Seine saved Notre-Dame from destruction during the devastating fire in April 2019.

A "storyteller at heart" (June Sawyers, Chicago Tribune) with a "sumptuous eye for detail" (Sinclair McKay, Daily Telegraph), Sciolino braids memoir, travelogue, and history through the Seine's winding route. The Seine offers a love letter to Paris and the most romantic river in the world, and invites listeners to explore its magic for themselves.

PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

The Seine ( Sen not Sane!) I received this book, an ARC, from BookBrowse to review. Although it took me quite awhile, for me, to read it the snail's pace was not due to disinterest. Quite the contrary, I loved the book from the first chapter. Sciolino's interest in the River and its surroundings, its history, its people, its place in movies, music, art is so thorough that it is most rewarding to take it in by small mouthfuls, so as to prolong the enjoyment and also to digest the information. She starts at the very source of the river, a wide area of marshland fed my many underground springs until at last the water consolidates into one defined stream that begins its journey toward Paris. It is here that she spends most of her time--there is so much that connects the Seine ( sen NOT sane--it always drives me crazy to hear it mispronounced ) to Paris in reality and in people's minds. Yet, in time, like the river she moves on to Rouen, through the Normandy countryside and to Honfleur ( my favorite of all the towns I visited ) and even to Le Havre, literally the harbor. Here, though the Seine touches its western boundary, the focus of its inhabitants is not on the river but the sea.I've not been back to the Seine in 30 years and from this book I can see that much has changed but even so, much is the same. I'm glad those locks were not on the bridges when I was there and happy that they are disappearing. If ever I return I hope that I can explore the part of the River before it reaches Paris from its source. And, naturally, to continue toward the sea through Rouen and Honfleur once more. Until then, I have Sciolino's book to keep me dreaming.If you've been the return through her eyes is not perfect, being only vicarious, but enjoyable If you haven't been, she'll entice you to try to make the trip at least once.

Tags: B07Z589Y4J pdf,The Seine pdf,The River That Made Paris pdf,,Elaine Sciolino, Audible Studios,The Seine: The River That Made Paris,Audible Studios,B07Z589Y4J

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Mom and Son Journal Pdf

ISBN: 1544911629
Title: Mom and Son Journal Pdf Fun, Prompted Journal to Get to Know Your Teen Son Better (fill in the blank journal)
Author: Catherine Adams
Published Date: 2017-04-17
Page: 86

Catherine Adams is a mom of three and is dedicated to creating helpful, original books and journals for all to enjoy!

This light-hearted and engaging journal will bring Mom and teen son closer together through painless (promise!) easy, fun questions!

An equal mix of fun and thoughtful questions for mom and teen to answer.  No essays or long answers required!  Questions are all fill-in-the-blank, checklists or multiple choice.  All are engaging, quick and easy. 

Do you think you know your teen son?  Questions include:

Does your son believe in Karma?  Love at first sight?

What skills will help him in a Zombie apocalypse?  

What world problem would he solve if he was in charge for the day? 

Can you predict what qualities he hopes for in his future career? 

What is he most worried about right now?

What things do you say annoy him the most?  

Take turns answering questions, or just pick up and read aloud and answer and discuss.

Teen-tested…this journal is guaranteed to create discussion, have a little fun and do a bit of bonding.  This light-hearted journal is a painless way for a teen son to share his thoughts with his mom.

Makes a great gift for Mom.  Also perfect for a long car ride, vacations or even while at the dinner table. 

We enjoyed this fun find Fun book/journal to encourage communication amongst mother and son. My son and I took turns writing in it and answering the guided questions. He was excited to see my responses and I his. It's fun and a great conversation starter for those of us with boys that aren't necessarily huge talkers. We did finish it relatively quickly. In a couple of weeks. I've recommended this book to a few of my friends.Ehhh.... My son and I are already close, but I thought this would be fun to do. IMO, this is not for a teenager. I think it is more appropriate for a preteen or maybe younger. My son is 15, and we wrote in it before looking at it or I would have returned it.I highly recommend it for any parent with a teenage son I bought this as a gift for my 16 year old son. I highly recommend it for any parent with a teenage son! He fills out a page or two and will leave it on my desk for me to find in the morning. I’ll in turn complete a few pages and leave it by his bedroom door. No words are said but many words are read.

How to Get Your Son Back pdf

Parent's Guide for Smile & Succeed for Teens pdf

How To Talk To Kids- 10 Ways To Get Your Child To Listen To You pdf

The Whole-Brain Child Workbook pdf

The Best Ever Back Seat Games pdf

Letters to My Son pdf

Letters To My Son A Father's Journal pdf

Tags: 1544911629 pdf,Mom and Son Journal pdf,Fun, Prompted Journal to Get to Know Your Teen Son Better (fill in the blank journal) pdf,Catherine Adams,Mom and Son Journal: Fun, Prompted Journal to Get to Know Your Teen Son Better (fill in the blank journal),CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1544911629,FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / Motherhood,Family & Relationships/Parenting - Stepparenting,Family & Relationships / Parenting / Single Parent,Family & Relationships / Parenting / Stepparenting

Saturday, December 7, 2019

101 Things I Learned in Architecture School Free Pdf

ISBN: 0262062666
Title: 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School Pdf
Author: Matthew Frederick
Published Date: 2007
Page: 101

"The winner of a host of prizes, this delicately laid-out book advises students how to approach a number of design principles. Including advice on everything from 'how to draw a line' to 'how to sketch a one-point perspective of a rectangular interior space' this is a must-have for anyone starting out in the field." -- Will Coldwell, The Independent"How to draw a line, the meaning of figure-ground theory, hand-lettering and the fact that windows look dark in the daytimeeach item has resonance beyond architecture. Books like this are brief tutorials in the art of seeing, a skill useful in every aspect of life on the planet." -- Susan Salter Reynolds 101 Things de-mythologizes the jargon that obscures the real meanings of what is taught in design schools. Designers too often write in obtuse terms that make relatively simple concepts difficult to comprehend. But understanding how we perceive, experience, and interpret the spaces we inhabit should not make us feel dumb, or left out. This readable and graphically clear book is a great introduction to design terms, principles, and concepts. Anyone interested in design will learn much from this terrific book.Matthew Frederick offers a wide-ranging assortment of architectural pearls of wisdom that every architecture student should understand, consider and embrace or perhaps rejectwhen first learning the daunting process of design. Encompassing both theory and practice, and illustrated with often witty drawings, 101 Things is an eclectic itemization of architectural philosophies, compositional strategies and tactics, design conventions, drawing and presentation techniques, and even tips about how to behave as an architect.

101 THINGS I LEARNED IN ARCHITECTURE SCHOOL is a book that students of architecture will want to keep in the design studio and in their backpacks. It is also a book they may want to keep out of view of their professors, for it expresses in clear and simple language the things they tend to make murky and abstruse. These 101 concise lessons in design, drawing, the creative process, and presentation--from the basics of how to draw a line to the complexities of color theory--provide a much-needed primer in architectural literacy and make concrete what too often is left nebulous and open-ended in the architecture curriculum.

Like all books in the popular and celebrated 101 THINGS I LEARNED® book series, the lessons in 101 THINGS I LEARNED IN ARCHITECTURE SCHOOL utilize a unique two-page format, with a brief explanation and accompanying illustration. A lesson on how to draw a line is accompanied by examples of good and bad lines; a lesson on awkward floor level changes shows the television actor Dick Van Dyke in the midst of a pratfall; and a discussion of the proportional differences between traditional and modern buildings features a building split neatly in half between the two.

Written by an architect and instructor who well remembers the fog of his own student days, 101 THINGS I LEARNED IN ARCHITECTURE SCHOOL provides valuable guideposts for students navigating the architectural design studio and the rest of the architecture curriculum. Architecture graduates, from young designers to experienced practitioners, will turn to the book as well for inspiration and a guide back to basics when solving complex design problems.

Believe that he liked it. Bought as a gift for an architect. Believe that he liked it.Great book for home buyers and home owners I last took an architecture class over 25 years ago. I am not an architect but I do own a home and we are looking to buy another one. This book has some great tips which will educate the home owner interested in doing renovations or simply re-configuring the house they already live in.This book has enabled us to look at some home features in a new light. What once was an expensive remodel now looks like it will be a much simpler project. The author really makes you think about a building's use of space and what the architect was thinking (or failed to think about for that matter.)I highly recommend this book to anyone even remotely interested in architecture, home design, interior design, or smart home ownership. If it prevents you from making a stupid and costly mistake then it will have paid for itself a hundred times over.A Practical Work of Art This is a delightful little book (speaking of the hardbound version), pocket-sized and bound as much as a work of art, itself, as it is a practical guide. It's full of sage advice, presented in a no-nonsense straightforward manner, e.g.: How to draw lines that don't look wimpy; How to create dynamic compositions that encourage the eye to wander; How to use geometric shapes; etc. It juxtaposes contradictory advice from Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe and Robert Venturi (respectively, "Less is more" and "Less is a bore") to illustrate that both are true and wisdom lies in the middle. The book is a delight to read, hard to put down, and organized as a more-than-handy reference.In this case, it is definitely worth paying the postage charge to receive the hardbound edition, as it is lovingly bound with a library spine, stiff cover boards chosen for their materials, and laid out with generous whitespace that doesn't make the printed content disappear into the gutter. It's a pleasure to read and to hold in your hands.

The Amazon Way on IoT pdf

How Drawings Work pdf

Le Corbusier Modulor Rule pdf

International Space Station pdf

Digital Photography Complete Course pdf

The Business of Design pdf

The Design of Everyday Things pdf

Tags: 0262062666 pdf,101 Things I Learned in Architecture School pdf,Matthew Frederick,101 Things I Learned in Architecture School,The MIT Press,0262062666,Reference,Architectural design - Study and teaching,Architectural design;Study and teaching.,Architecture - Study and teaching,Architecture;Study and teaching.,ARCHITECTURE / General,ARCHITECTURE / Reference,Architectural design,Architecture,Architecture/General,How-to/Do-it-yourself,Non-Fiction,Scholarly/Undergraduate,Study and teaching,UNIVERSITY PRESS,United States

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Basic Keto Cookbook For Beginners On A Budget Download

ISBN: 1706342667
Title: The Basic Keto Cookbook For Beginners On A Budget Pdf 800 Days of Quick, Easy and Healthy Ketogenic Diet Recipes (Ketogenic Diet Books For Beginners)

Following a Ketogenic Diet Has Never Been That Easy Before!

In this cookbook you will learn:

  • How the Keto diet works - what is Ketosis and how do we know we are in Ketosis
  • What foods are allowed and what need to be avoided
  • What are the main benefits of living on a ketogenic diet
  • What are the main risks of the keto diet and how to avoid them
  • 3-week meal plan to make adapting to your new lifestyle easier
  • Many delicious low carb recipes to cook at home

All of these recipes are relaying on easy techniques and ingredients. The results are flavorful and satisfying. Each recipe includes the nutritional information and has up to 7 grams of net carbs. This is the best way to track your macronutrients and customize your diet to fit your unique needs.

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Tags: 1706342667 pdf,The Basic Keto Cookbook For Beginners On A Budget pdf,800 Days of Quick, Easy and Healthy Ketogenic Diet Recipes (Ketogenic Diet Books For Beginners) pdf,Martha Smith,The Basic Keto Cookbook For Beginners On A Budget: 800 Days of Quick, Easy and Healthy Ketogenic Diet Recipes (Ketogenic Diet Books For Beginners),Independently published,1706342667,Computers / Web / Browsers,Cooking / Regional & Ethnic / Mexican

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The 33 Strategies of War (Joost Elffers Books) Download

ISBN: 0143112783
Title: The 33 Strategies of War (Joost Elffers Books) Pdf
Author: Robert Greene
Published Date: 2007
Page: 471

"The need-to-know strategies that can also be used for 'winning the subtle social game of everyday life.'"—Business Insider"Greene’s specialty is analyzing the lives and philosophies of historical figures like Sun Tzu and Napoleon, and extracting from them tips on how to manipulate people and situations—a cutthroat worldview that has earned him a devoted following among a like-minded readership of rappers, drug dealers and corporate executives."—The New York Times Robert Greene has a degree in classical studies and is the author of several bestselling books, including The 48 Laws of Power, The 33 Strategies of War, The Art of Seduction, and Mastery. He lives in Los Angeles.Joost Elffers is the packaging genius behind Viking Studio's Secret Language series, Play with Your Food, and How Are You Peeling?. He lives in New York City.

Brilliant distillations of the strategies of war—and the subtle social game of everyday life—by the bestselling author of The 48 Laws of Power and The Laws of Human Nature

Robert Greene’s groundbreaking guides, The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, and Mastery, espouse profound, timeless lessons from the events of history to help readers vanquish an enemy, ensnare an unsuspecting victim, or become the greatest in your field. In The 33 Strategies of War, Greene has crafted an important addition to this ruthless and unique series.

Spanning world civilizations, synthesizing dozens of political, philosophical, and religious texts and thousands of years of violent conflict, The 33 Strategies of War is the I-Ching of conflict, the contemporary companion to Sun Tzu’s The Art of War.

Abundantly illustrated with examples from history, including the folly and genius of everyone from Napoleon to Margaret Thatcher, Shaka the Zulu to Lord Nelson, Hannibal to Ulysses S. Grant, as well as movie moguls, Samurai swordsmen, and diplomats, each of the thirty-three chapters outlines a strategy that will help you win life’s wars. Learn the offensive strategies that require you to maintain the initiative and negotiate from a position of strength, or the defensive strategies designed to help you respond to dangerous situations and avoid unwinnable wars. The great warriors of battlefields and drawing rooms alike demonstrate prudence, agility, balance, and calm, and a keen understanding that the rational, resourceful, and intuitive always defeat the panicked, the uncreative, and the stupid. An indispensable book, The 33 Strategies of War provides all the psychological ammunition you need to overcome patterns of failure and forever gain the upper hand.

Best book I own This is the best of his books. I have given over 20 copies of this book to young officers, enlisted men, young business people...even both of my children. Well written and the most impressive thing is how he uses the same things we have always read from these scions of leadership but he translates this into understandable...and better yet...actionable ideas. If you want to be a leader...of any any this book.There are no wars in most parts of the world ... There are no wars in most parts of the world. Condemning war as barbaric deeds is politically correct and very HYPOCRITICAL. The non-physical war in peaceful places is even more aggressive and nasty in fact. This book is truly enlightening in explaining the truth of it. But most importantly. This book is amazingly PRACTICAL and ACTIONABLE. I can't praise more about this book. 48 laws of power open your eyes for truth of human dynamics, this book comes far from understanding the humanity into the manual of getting what you want by humanity. Thank you, Robert Greene. I still think not only Robert Greene but this book are underestimated in the world. Although Greene is famous in the States, but it's truly not enough.Confidence and knowledge rocket fuel! Robert Greene continues to blow me away! After reading “The 48 Laws of Power” I was hooked. The writing style and format (for me) is my favorite “extra bonus” in his books. Great content, examples, and a knack for explaining fairly complicated ideas in a way that “clicks.”Read it!

The Book pdf

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Tags: 0143112783 pdf,The 33 Strategies of War (Joost Elffers Books) pdf,Robert Greene,The 33 Strategies of War (Joost Elffers Books),Penguin Books,0143112783,Military Science,Social Psychology,Conduct of life,Conduct of life.,Control (Psychology),Interpersonal conflict,Military art and science,Strategy,APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Skills,Conduct of life,Conduct of life.,Control (Psychology),GENERAL,General Adult,Interpersonal conflict,MILITARY TACTICS AND STRATEGY,Machiavelli; Sun Tzu; psychology; leadership; power; warfare; strategy; philosophy; business; war; military; history; winning; rivals; negotiation; competition; art of war; armies; mastery robert greene; the art of seduction; robert greene; war books; personal development books; self improvement; motivation; motivational books; psychology books; self help books; self help; leadership books; business books; communication; sociology; social psychology; money; strategy books; human nature; economics; culture; economy; social,Military Science,Military art and science,Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice,Non-Fiction,PERSONAL GUIDANCE,PSYCHOLOGY / Social Psychology,Psychology,Reference / General,SELF-HELP / Communication & Social Skills,Social Psychology,Strategy,TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Military Science,United States,mastery robert greene;the art of seduction;robert greene;war books;war;personal development books;self improvement;motivation;motivational books;psychology books;self help books;self help;leadership books;business books;Machiavelli;Sun Tzu;psychology;leadership;power;warfare;strategy;philosophy;business;military;history;winning;rivals;negotiation;competition;art of war;armies;strategy books;human nature;economics;communication;sociology;culture;business book;critical thinking;money,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Skills,PSYCHOLOGY / Social Psychology,Reference / General,SELF-HELP / Communication & Social Skills,TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Military Science,Psychology,Applied Psychology,Personal Guidance,Psychology,Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice